Monday, October 15, 2012


Most of the time
Nobody knows the problem
identifies where it comes from or
has the ability to name it,
even after death.
I asked my grandmother
who appeared more blessed than ever
in my dream:
“What is the problem?”
Horror in her eyes,
porcelain smile of her lips scattered into pieces.
I mean, she lost her face!
I looked around for help.
I wondered if I could turn back the time.
I gathered the pieces of her face.
I made the puzzle.
I put it here. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Je te le jure :
Si je me permets de parler à tort et à travers,
Personne n’a l’autorité de me faire taire,
ni toi
ni le bibliothécaire.
Je parle jusqu'à ce que mon haleine sente le fromage et 
il ne te reste plus de vin dans la cave de nez.